Monday, March 4, 2019

Total Depravity

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Last Sunday Brother John started a new series on the tenets of what we believe.  Some refer to this as the TULIP doctrine.  Brother John began with the first letter T representing man's total depravity.  We of course see in the book of Genesis 2:15-17 that the first commandment God ever gave was to Adam and Eve to not partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge and evil with a promise of death.  And in Genesis chapter 3:3-4 we see where satan challenges God's commandment.  By Adam's disobedience he and Eve did in fact experience a death.  They died to God.  And by one man's act of disobedience, death passed down unto all men for all have sinned. 

2-24-19 Bro John Harvey - Total Depravity

Yesterday, Hebron PBC met together for our First Sunday of the Month fellowship breakfast.  As we continue to meet each month, it seems like our fellowship breakfast continues to grow.  We are so thankful for the love we share with one another at our church.  After breakfast, we met together in song worship and then entered into our prayer service.  All who wished to offer public prayer were given opportunity to pray.  At the close of our prayer service, we sang a song of praise and practiced the right hand of fellowship with one another.  Sister Suzy Davis came forward asking for a home at Hebron stating her love for the brethren and her desire to serve with us.  Sister Suzy will be given the right hand of fellowship upon receipt of her letter from her current church. 

Please be in prayer for our dear pastor as he prepares his mind and his heart this week for his ordination service on Saturday.  We invite all who can come and be with us to please join us March 9, 2019, at 9:30am at Hebron Primitive Baptist Church. 

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