Prayer Requests

Please be in prayer for:

Sister Barbara Green
Sister Tonya & Larry McLeod
Elder Tommy Green
Sister Marjorie Turner
Nanci Wilson (Kelly's Aunt)
Mike and Donna Lewis (Sister Maggie's Daughter and SIL)
Sister Maggie's Cousin
Sister Maggie's Sister's Family
Sister Leslie's DIL's Mother, Rhonda
Jon Poppell's Uncle Carney
Sister Judy's Aunt Joyce
Sister Paula's DIL and Family
Brother John and Sister Olivia
The Gibbs Family
Brother Kenneth Creed's long-time friend in NC
Brother Jeff's co-worker, Ross
Sister Maggie's friend, Louise
Sister Mary Hudson
Sister Val's SIL, Marie
Sister Val's friend, Samantha
Sister Kelly's family in Haiti
Sister Brenda's niece, Michelle
Brother Clarence's son Brian Thomas
Billy Woods
Wendell Ulmer
Sister Val Ambrosino

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