Hebron PBC Sermons

Weekly Messages from Our Pastor and Visiting Ministers

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8-16-2020 Eld John Harvey - Sacrifice
3-29-2020 Eld John Harvey - Beware of False Prophets
3-22-2020 Eld John Harvey - Strait is the Gate
3-15-2020 Eld John Harvey - Ask, Seek, Knock
3-8-2020 Eld John Harvey - Pearls Before Swine
3-1-2020 Eld John Harvey - Judge Righteous Judgement
2-23-2020 Eld John Harvey - Take No Thought for Your Life Part 3
2-16-2020 Eld John Harvey - Take No Thought for Your Life Part 2
2-9-2020 Eld John Harvey - Take No Thought for Your Life Part 1
2-2-2020 Eld John Harvey- The Light is the Eye
2-2-2020 Bro Rob Sumner- Introduction - I Have Overcome the World
1-26-2020 Eld John Harvey - Treasures of the Heart
1-19-2020 Eld John Harvey - Fasting
1-5-2020 Eld John Harvey - Love Your Enemies
12-29-19 Eld John Harvey - Spirit vs. Letter of the Law Part 3
12-22-19 Eld John Harvey - Christmas is not Pagan
12-15-19 Eld John Harvey - Spirit vs. Letter of the Law Part 2
12-8-19 Eld John Harvey - Spirit vs. Letter of the Law Part 1
12-1-19 Eld John Harvey - The Plan of Salvation
11-17-19 Eld John Harvey - Laborers Into the Harvest
11-10-19 Eld John Harvey- Do and Teach Righteousness
11-3-19 Eld John Harvey - Sermon on the Mount: The Fulfillment of the Prophesies of Christ
11-3-19 Bro Jim Spezzano - Introduction: Redeeming the Time
10-27-19 Eld John Harvey - The Sermon on the Mount: Salt and Light
10-20-19 Eld John Harvey Harvey - The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes Part 2
10-13-19 Eld John Harvey - The Sermon on the Mount: The Beatitudes Part 1
10-6-19 Eld John Harvey- The Presence and Providence of God
9-29-19 Eld John Harvey - Giving
9-22-19 Eld Gary Harvey - 3 Statements from Man with Biblical Applications
9-15-19 Eld John Harvey - The Attributes of God: God's Eternality
9-8-19 Eld John Harvey - Attributes of God: God's Everlasting Love vs. God's Wrath
9-1-19 Eld John Harvey - The Trinity: The Holy Spirit
8-28-19 Eld John Harvey - The Trinity: Jesus Christ the Son of God, The Word
8-18-19 Eld John Harvey - The Trinity: God the Father
8-11-19 Eld John Harvey - The Attributes of God: Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent
8-4-19 Eld John Harvey - The Attributes of God: Holiness and Sovereignty
7-28-19 Eld John Harvey - The Word of the Lord Hath Spoken
7-21-19 Eld John Harvey - Let's Talk About Jesus!
7-14-19 Eld John Harvey - The Kingdom: Who is the Greatest?
7-7-19 Eld John Harvey - The Kingdom Parables: The Parable of the Net
6-30-19 Eld John Harvey - Kingdom Parables: Parable of the Mustard Seed
6-23-19 Eld John Harvey - Kingdom Parables: Parable of the Sower
6-16-19 Eld John Harvey - The Function of the Church Body in the Church: Part 3
6-9-19 Eld John Harvey - The Function of the Church Body in the Church: Part 2
6-2-19 Eld John Harvey - The Function of the Church Body in the Church: Part 1
5-26-19 Eld John Harvey - The Function of Deacons in the Church
5-19-19 Eld John Harvey - The Function of Elders in the Church
5-12-19 Eld John Harvey - The Ordinances of the Church: Ordination
5-5-19 Eld John Harvey - The Ordinances of the Church: Communion
4-28-19 Eld John Harvey - The Ordinances of the Church: Baptism
4-21-19 Eld John Harvey - He Is Risen
4-14-19 Eld John Harvey - Preservation
4-13-19 Eld Glenn Blanchard - The Disease and the Cure
3-31-19 Eld Matt Pitney - Ensamples
3-31-19 Eld John Harvey - Irresistible Grace
3-24-19 Eld John Harvey - Limited Atonement
3-17-19 Eld John Harvey - Unconditional Election
3-10-19 Eld Ken Still - Walk Worthy
3-10-19 Eld Gary Harvey - God Has a Plan
2-24-19 Bro John Harvey - Total Depravity
2-17-19 Bro John Harvey - Charity
2-10-19 Bro John Harvey - Hope
1-27-19 Bro John Harvey - Faith
1-20-19 Eld Roger Pinkston - Arise Up and Do It

1-13-19 Eld Randall Cagle - The Power of the Tongue
1-13-19 Bro John Harvey Faith Hope Charity Intro

1-6-19 Eld James Allen Study The Bible

12-29-18 Eld Michael Hataway - God's House, Our Home

12-16-18 Bro John Harvey - Christ Is Born

12-02-18 Eld Bryce Lowrance - The Beauty of Christ's Church Part 2
12-01-18 Eld Bryce Lowrance - The Beauty of Christ's Church Part 1

11-25-18 Eld James Allen - 2 Salvations

11-18-18 Bro Ray Blanchard - Remember Who You Are

11-11-18 Bro John Harvey - Out Identity In Christ

10/28/18 - Eld Chris Folsom - Hot or Cold?

10/21/18 - Bro John Harvey - Slavery
10/20/18 - Bro John Harvey - Justification

10/14/18 - Eld Michael Green - Encouragement
10/13/18 - Eld Michael Green - Why?

9/23/18 - Eld Buddy Abernathy - Jesus, Our Example Of a Pastor
9/22/18 PM - Eld Buddy Abernathy - Trust Thou In God
9/22/18 AM - Eld Buddy Abernathy - Have Faith In God

9/16/18 - Eld Bryce Lowrance - Don't Sorrow As One With No Hope
9/15/18 - Eld Bryce Lowrance - Go And Help Somebody

9/9/18 - Bro John Harvey - Comfortable In God's Armor

9/8/18 PM - Bro John Harvey - Compassion
9/8/18 - Eld Barry Cordes - Compassion Continued

8/26/18 Am Bro Ray Blanchard - The Lifestyle of Following Jesus

8/12/18 Am Bro John Harvey - Resurrection and it's Value
8/11/18 PM Bro John Harvey - Ambassadors for Christ

10/2/16 Eld Tommy Green Keep Looking For The Lords Return

9/25/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Repentance
9/18/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Walk Like You Have Been Saved

8/7/16 -Eld Tommy Green - Find Peace In Jesus

7/31/16 -Eld Tommy Green - Much Is Forgiven
7/24/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Our Hope Is In The Resurection
7/17/16 - Eld Tommy Green - The Promise Of His Return
7/10/16 -Eld Tommy Green - Stay Upon Your God
7/3/16 -Eld Tommy Green - The Glory That Christ Provided

6/26/16 - Eld Tommy Green - There Was No Other Way
6/19/16 Eld Tommy Green - Follow God
6/12/16 - Eld Tommy Green - The Battle Of Two Natures
6/11/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Salvation Is Of The Lord

5/29/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Worship God
5/22/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Blessed Is The Man
5/15/16 - Eld Tommy Green - We Ought To Obey God Rather Than Man
5/8/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Our Election
5/1/16 - Eld Tommy Green - We Must Be Faithful
4/24/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Lets Stand Out Like Jabez
4/17/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Hope In Christ, Our Earnest Expextation

Hebron PBC Annual Meeting 2016
4/10/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Don't Be Pulled Back Under The Law
4/10/16 - Eld Clayton Peterson - The Sacrifice Once Forever
4/9/16 - Eld Chris Taylor - How To Get Forgiveness
4/8/16 - Eld Chris Taylor - The Sermon On The Amount

4/3/16 - Eld Tommy Green - The LORD Is My Shepherd Because I Am A Sheep
3/27/16 - Eld Tommy Green - What Are Your Expectations Of The Resurection
3/20/16 - Eld Tommy Green - The Spirit Within Us
3/13/16 - Eld Tommy Green - The Correct Pattern For Christian Giving
2/28/16 - Eld Tommy Green - I Thank My God On Every Rememberance of You
2/21/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Under Grace But Not Above Judgement
2/14/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Salvation for the Saved
2/13/16 - Eld Tommy Green - What Think Ye?
2/7/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Glorify Christ By Our Walk
1/31/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Pictures of Christs Glory in the Temple
1/24/16 - Eld Tommy Green - The Glorification of Christ
1/10/16 - Eld Tommy Green - The Resurection - The True Gospel of Christ
12/27/15 - Eld Tommy Green - Take A Stand for God
12/20/15 - Eld Tommy Green - The Pure In Heart Shall See God
12/13/15 - Eld Tommy Green - Keep Christ In Us
12/6/15 - EldTommy Green - What We Have That Is Better
11/29/15 - Eld Tommy Green - Prayer / Born Again
11/22/05 - Eld Tommy Green - What Hinders Our Love Toward God.
11/15/2015 - Eld Tommy Green - How we can reach out to others
11/8/15 - Eld Tommy Green - Gods Sovereignty in Election
11/1/15 - Eld Tommy Green - Samson, Disobedient Servant of God
10/25/15 - Eld Tommy Green - Redeeming The Time
10/18/15 - Eld Tommy Green - Missing The Blessing of Fellowship
10/04/15 - Eld Tommy Green - Renewing Our Strength
9/27/15 - Eld Tommy Green - What Shall WE Do part 2
9/20/15 - Eld tommu Green - What Shall We Do part 1
9/16/15 - Eld Tommy Green - Unity Through The Blood Of Christ
9/12/15 - Eld Tommy Green - Believe That He Is

Annual Meeting at Little Zion PBC 2015:

12/06/15 - Eld Tommy Green - What We Have That Is Better2/21/16 - Eld Tommy Green - Under Grace But Not Above Judgement2-16-2020 Eld John Harvey - Take No Thought for Your Life Part 2