Sunday, March 10, 2019

Ordination Service of Elder John Harvey

On Saturday, March 9, 2019, Hebron Primitive Baptist Church met together to ordain Brother John Harvey to the full gospel work of the ministry,  We were surrounded by our brothers and sisters of like precious faith from El Bethel, Little Union, Salem, Winter Garden, Little Zion, and Antioch.  The ministers present (and pictured above) were: Eld Jerry Williams, Eld Ken Still, Eld Glenn Blanchard, Eld Allen Daniels, Eld Gary Harvey, Eld John Harvey, Eld Chris Crouse, Eld Randy McCarthy, Eld Mike Lewis, and Eld Randall Cagle (Eld Tom Green was present but not pictured)

To listen to the audio of the ordination, please click through the links below.

Ordination Introduction and Prayer

There was a beautiful prayer offered by Elder Gary Harvey and a laying on of hands of the presbytery,

Hebron Church is beyond thankful for all the prayers, love and support of all those in attendance and those unable to be with us.

On Sunday, Hebron met with a renewed sense of spirit,  We met together in worship and were blessed to hear a wonderful message from Elder Ken Still (Shiloh PBC) on walking worthy of the vocation wherewith we have been called.  Following this was a message of comfort from Elder Gary Harvey (Point Remove PBC) that even in these times of dissension in this world that GOD HAS A PLAN.

After services, we gathered for a photo opportunity as a church body with our new pastor and pastor's wife,  While we had a good portion of our church family present, we do recognize that some of our precious brothers and sisters were not with us.  We stayed and fellowshipped over an abundance of food and left rejoicing in the Lord.

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