Sunday, January 27, 2019

Hebron Welcomes New Pastor

How beautiful upon the mountains are the
feet of him that bringeth good tidings,
that publisheth peace;
that bringeth good tidings of good,
that publisheth salvation;
that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
Isaiah 52:7

On December 9, 2018, the members of Hebron Primitive Baptist Church met together for the purpose of pastor call.  The Lord has blessed us to invite and hear many abled men who all served the purpose of feeding our flock in a time without a pastor.  The Lord was so gracious to us!

With a 100% unanimous vote, we called for Licentiate John Harvey from Wintergarden PBC to be our pastor.  Brother John and his wife, Sister Olivia, have visited with us on multiple occasions as Brother John attempted to preach.  It was very evident that our love for them kept getting stronger the more often they came, and Brother John expressed his love for us had grown over that time as well.

After a period of prayer and supplication, Brother John lovingly accepted the call and will serve as our pastor.

We are thankful to all the sister churches that have prayed on our behalf as well as those who have visited with us and given us encouragement.  We are thankful to the Lord for supplying our every need and we pray that HE will be ever present with Brother John and Sister Olivia during this time of transition.

We welcome any and all to come visit with us.  We meet every Sunday at 10:30am.

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