Sunday, March 31, 2019

Visiting Minister

Image result for psalm 122:1

It was good to be in the house of the Lord today!  We were thankful to have Elder Matt Pitney and his wife, Sister Tricia, visiting with us today from Indiana.  Brother John and Brother Matt shared the time in the pulpit. 

Brother John continued speaking to us about the tenets of our doctrine focusing today on the Irresistible Grace.  As Brother John spoke he showed us how important it is to always keep in mind how interwoven these tenets are-  And while many of the same scriptures can be used to illustrate each point, each point is still equally important.  The irresistible grace with which we are called is not something we can control.  We cannot make it happen in ourselves, nor in someone else's life.  Brother John showed how Jesus uses an earthly illustration of the wind blowing where it listeth for Nicodemus as the heavenly illustration could not possibly be understood by Nicodemus.

Brother Matt spoke to us from 1 Peter 5 where Paul is exhorting the elders to feed the flock and be examples to the flock.  He showed that the usage of this word example was like the pounding of gold into the image of the cherubims surrounding the Ark of the Covenant- that they are to be pounded into the image of Christ so that we may be an ensample (example)- Brother Matt admonished the church to be patient with our new pastor as he grows in his ministry but also exhorted us to be ensamples as well.

Both messages can be listened to in full at the following links:
3-31-19 Eld John Harvey - Irresistible Grace
3-31-19 Eld Matt Pitney - Ensamples

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